Yearly Archives: 2014

Berlin advertising – poster pillars everywhere

In Berlin almost every flat object can be a billboard – and almost every round object can be a poster pillar. And ‘everybody‘ thinks, “it’s just me – hanging a single poster on that pillar” then lamp poles and traffic signal poles can easiely become huge round objects that may look like ‘real poster pillars’, […]

Berlin Weather: The Berlin Winter Cloud

Today is a perfect day to say something about a Berlin weather phenomenon: Berlin Winter Cloud. It’s basically just one cloud – but it’s huge. There is no blue skies anywhere, and you can actually not even tell where the sun should be located. And The Berlin Winter Cloud can stay – for days – […]

Historical Berlin Maps online and offline (exhibition)

The Berlin Landesarchiv (Archives of the Land Berlin) in Reinickendorf / Tegel have recently opened an exhibition worth seeing. On display: historical maps of Berlin by Julius Straube, as well as historical photos and posters of Berlin of the 19th century. One particular map from the year 1897 for example resembles what today would probably […]

Border of light: 25th anniversary of The Fall of The Berlin Wall

Already on sunday evening about 8000 balloons were released to mark the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – one milestone of the reunification of East and West Germany. For three days a 15 km “border of light” (Lichtgrenze) symobilized the line where over 25 years ago the Berlin Wall divided the […]

Berlin S-Bahn on strike this weekend

07.11.2014 17:00 The Berlin S-Bahn drivers’ strike still continues – but it seems it will be over soon: media reports that the train drivers’ union announced, the drivers’ strike will end already on Staurday evening, November 8th, 18 o’clock (which is 6 p.m.). Chances are that later that evening more or less all S-Bahn trains […]

Berlin traffic accident statistics

Less accidents, more people dead. That’s the shocking news from the Statistical Office for Berlin-Brandenburg (“Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg”). During the first eight months of this year 34 people got killed in traffic accidents across the city. In 2013 there were ‘only’ 26 people killed during the same time period. That is more than 4 […]

Airport Tegel anniversary

40 years ago Berlin’s futuristic design airport Tegel “Otto Liliental” opened to the public. A revolutionary concept: short distances, maximum comfort for the traveller – cutting edge design. The airport is built on the concept of triangles and hexagons – following nature’s rules of triangles representing the most efficient connection of three points. From roof […]

Berlin’s new major elected: Michael Müller

Last weekend the members of Berlin’s co-ruling party SPD (social democrats) elected Michael Müller as follower of Klaus Wowereit. Wowereit had announced his resignation already in august 2014, leaving the question of who might follow completely unanswered. Three candidated were in the race, Michael Müller won with a majority of almost 60%. Müller is well […]